
Install Neovim on Windows

15 Jun 2021

I had wanted to use vim as my editor for a long time.So in the lockdown time I gave it a try.I installed NeoVim on windows.Below are the steps for that

Install Neovim using chocolatey

So I use chocolatey package manager for installing different software on windows.I installed the Neovim also using chocolatey with the below command. Ensure you use the terminal with Run as administrator.

choco install neovim

Setting up init.vim

After installing Neovim .I needed to setup the init.vim for different Neovim configurations.To find the location where Neovim looks for init.vim give the below command in Neovim

:echo stdpath('config')

So my setup directory is C:\Users\jithu\AppData\Local\nvim. So here I created a file init.vim

Plugin manager

After setting up init.vim I installed the vim-plug manager to manage the plugins.I created a folder autoload in the Neovim setup directory where init.vim is present.Inside the folder I added the plug.vim file from vim-plug Git repository.

Now to install plugins using vim-plug plugin manager,we need to give the below lines in init.vim

call plug#begin('~/AppData/Local/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
call plug#end()

Here we have specified the directory for plugins as plugged folder where init.vim exits.We can give the list of plugins between the two call commands using Plug command.Next we reloaded init.vim and used :PlugInstall to install the plugins.Similarly if you need to delete the plugin then remove the Plug command from init.vim and use :PlugClean command to delete the plugin.

You can find the youtube video for the above steps below