
Vim folding to arrange NeoVim config file

19 Jul 2021

Folding in vim

I have started using NeoVim as my editor.So I have added lot of configurations in my init.vim file.I keep updating the same when I find some new requirements. So I wanted to manage all the configurations related to NeoVim and its Plugins. I checked various ways and found that folding was one of the methods to do that.Folding is a way of collapsing a group of lines into a single line.This gives a uncluttered view and helps in focusing on a part of the page. Also we can perform actions like copy delete on the fold as we do on a single line.I am using the manual mode of folding. I will so visual selection and create a fold.So I split the init.vim into different sections and created the folds for the same. So some the commands I used are as below

Commands for folding

zf - Apply fold to the selected lines
zo - Open the folded lines
zc - Close the open lines back to fold
zM - Close all folds
zR - Open all folds
zE - Delete all the folds
zd - Delete the fold under the cursor

Saving folds in vim

After creating folds.Once you close the buffer,the folds are lost.So to save the folds we need to give the below lines in our init.vim

augroup remember_folds
  autocmd BufWinLeave * mkview
  autocmd BufWinEnter * silent! loadview
augroup END

Source stackOverflow

You can find the youtube video for the above steps below